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About Us

Lake Area Christian School (LACS) offers a quality educational program where the staff are dedicated Christians who love God and teaching. 


We believe and affirm the absolute sovereignty of God as creator and sustainer of the universe,  He has shown that His plan and will are perfect.  He has chosen to exalt His Son, Jesus, above all.  Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, He has restored a saving relationship to all who come to Christ in faith.  His Holy Spirit, dwelling in the believer, serves as a comforter and guide.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and that we should adhere to its principles in the education of our children. We believe that parents have the primary responsibility for teaching their children but also recognize that most parents need an organized academic and social environment for the rearing and training of their children.


LACS is a member of the Association of Christian School International (ACSI)


Team Name: Lake Area Royals 

Mascot: Lion 

Colors: Royal Blue and White


LACS Informational Brochure



What We Offer

  • Programs for K4 through 12th grade

  • Structured classroom settings for K4 through 8th grade

  • Low Student/Teacher ratio

  • Average staff teaching experience is 15 years

  • Christ-centered education

  • Non-denominational setting






LACS utilizes a variety of Christian publications such as Abeka for K4 - 8th grade, which are conducted in traditional classroom settings with teachers instructing the students.


High school sudents are using the PACE system, which enables each student to work at his/her own rate in order to meet the yearly course goal. To ensure adequate progress is maintained, the monitoring teacher issues progress reports every three weeks.

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